I had no direction, I was the definition of confused (and this was BEFORE instagram and social media, so I can’t even imagine where I would be if that were me now!) I knew something had to give, but I could not pinpoint what that was. I knew there was a carefree and happy person inside of me, but I had NO idea how to tap into that part of me.
A marriage and two children later leaving me even more depleted and now pouring into a family that I truly had no reserve to pull from at the time.
I was lost, scared, and was now running off a deficit. I was back in school at the time, and by divine intervention, I came across the idea of functional medicine.
My previous education had already covered some aspects of health and healing, but this provided something so appealing to me; the ability to test and locate imbalances that were creating disharmony in the body and impeding the healing process.
This was my next step, I soaked up absolutely everything I could about testing, protocols, lifestyle, the gut, mitochondria, drainage pathways, you name it, I was getting a course or certification on it. As I continued to learn and grow, I was finally able to peel back the layers that were keeping my own body out of balance.
As I incorporated more and more of this work with myself and my clients, I realized something was still missing. The protocols worked foremost, yes, but there was always one that would stool be struggling and no matter what cocktail of supplements, they still couldn’t find that optimal state of health (myself included).
I felt a TON better, yes, but still wasn't exactly where I wanted to be. I knew there had to be something that was missing. So I went back to my roots and found inspiration in the simplicity of healing the lifestyle; locating the habits, thoughts, actions that were keeping myself (and others) stuck.
You see, to heal you have to do the actions, yes, but you also have to COMMIT to changing the lifestyle that allowed you to get sick in the first place as well as BELIEVE you can get better.
These pieces of the puzzle have completely changed mine and my clients lives and the beauty is in the simplicity of what we are doing in our day to day life, how we connect with our body’s natural rhythms (hormonal and circadian), how we connect with our environments, the influences we allow in our lives, and of course, the things that we repeat daily through repetition that solidify our state.
Through years and years of being sick myself, working with clients, collecting information and APPLYING it clinically, has given me the ability to see patterns in people, patterns of not only dysfunction, but also patterns that HEAL. Doing the detective work is one of my FAVORITE things to uncover with my clients (along with their “aha” moments!)
I am so blessed to have had the experience of not only getting “sick”, but even more so, getting my health and my life back and if I can shorten someone else's healing journey and get them closer to that state, than I am so honored, grateful, and blessed for the opportunity to do so.